Author: Stacey Stearns

Bug Week 2024 Programs

UConn Extension is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Bug Week.  Events will be buzzing from July 16 to July 29 with programs for the entire family. Insects account for 90% of animal life on earth. Many are the unsung heroes of our diverse ecosystems.  UConn Bug Week events help families identify and learn about the […]

Bug Week 2023 is Just Around the Corner

UConn Extension’s 9th annual Bug Week is buzzing from July 24 to July 29 with programs for the entire family. All ages are welcome to attend and explore the activities and events dedicated to insects and their relatives.  Bug Week programs include the following: Join UConn Extension faculty, Spring Valley Student Farm staff and students […]

Butterfly of the week – Viceroy

The Viceroy butterfly, Limenitis archippus is similar to but smaller than the monarch butterfly. Viceroy butterflies live in most of the continental United States, southern Canada and northern Mexico. The wing span of the adult ranges from 2.5 to 3.375 inches.  The viceroy is a very distinct butterfly for its genus, but can be confused […]

Butterfly of the week – Monarch

The Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, is the best known butterfly in North America.  Monarchs found in North America can be split into the eastern and western monarchs.  Those which live and breed west of the Rocky Mountains spend their winters in southern California whereas those who live and breed in the east overwinter in Central […]

Butterfly of the week – Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

The Eastern tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus, is one of the most common swallowtail butterflies in the eastern United States.  It is widely distributed from New England to the southern Great Lakes and the Great Plains states as well as to Texas and Florida. The Eastern tiger swallowtail is a large butterfly with a 3 to 5.5 […]

Butterfly of the Week – Meadow Fritillary

The Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona) is a butterfly in the brushfoot family.  It can be found in southern Canada, the north central U.S. as well as the northeast and mid-Atlantic states.  At this time it is not routinely found in the southern U.S. or Mexico; however, some have reported that it is expanding its range […]