UConn Extension is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Bug Week. Events will be buzzing from July 16 to July 29 with programs for the entire family. Insects account for 90% of animal life on earth. Many are the unsung heroes of our diverse ecosystems. UConn Bug Week events help families identify and learn about the amazing diversity of insects in our state as well as understand and appreciate the important roles that insects play in our lives.
All ages are welcome to attend and explore the activities and events dedicated to insects and their relatives. Bug Week programs include the following:
Visit Spring Valley Student Farm for our annual Insect Wonders at the Farm on Tuesday, July 16 from 3 to 6 p.m. The student farm is located behind the house at 104 Spring Manor Road, Mansfield, CT. While at the farm you can play Bug Jeopardy, take a bug tour, learn about beekeeping and see the vegetables we grow for the UConn Storrs campus. This is a FREE event for the entire family!
See displays of live insects from local gardens and participate in Bug Walks at the Middlesex County Extension Office, 1066 Saybrook Rd., Haddam, CT on Wednesday, July 17 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The program will include bug hunts in the Extension gardens, insect identification, and giveaways. Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions. You are welcome to bring insects you’d like to have identified, but please bring them in an enclosed container. All ages are invited to explore the wonderful world of insects at this FREE event.
Join the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History, UConn Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and the Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association in the Torrey Life Sciences (TLS) building at UConn Storrs on Saturday, July 20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the Aquatic Insects of Connecticut Fly Tying Workshop. Learn about aquatic insects of CT and tie 3 flies of your own to take home and use to catch fish. Registration is required and costs $20 ($15 for CSMNH members).
Visit bugs.uconn.edu/bug-week-programs/ to register for events!
We are also holding a Photo Contest. Learn more at s.uconn.edu/bug
UConn Extension offices are located across the state and offer an array of services dedicated to educating and informing the public on innovative technology and scientific improvements. Bug Week is one example of UConn Extension’s mission in tying research to real life, by addressing insects and some of their relatives.