This craft celebrates the diversity of species of butterflies found across the state of Connecticut. Follow along to learn how to make butterflies that resemble 2 prominent ones or feel free to make your own, unique species!
You will need:
- Washable markers
- Coffee filters
- Cup of water
- Paper towels
- Straw
- Pipe cleaner
- Clothes pin

Step 1:
Flatten your coffee filter
I placed mine under a large book, but don’t worry if it’s not perfectly flat!
Step 2:
Color your coffee filter with the washable markers. Below are instructions to color your filter so it looks like a tie dye version of some butterflies in Connecticut, but feel free to make up your own butterfly!

Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

Steven Katovich,

Draw a black circle around the edge of your filter

Add a pattern of rounded triangles to the top half of your filter to resemble the forewings of the monarch

In the bottom half, draw a symmetrical pattern of more angular triangles and squares to represent the forewing

Outline your shapes with a brown marker and fill in any large spaces with more orange

Draw a plus shape in the center of your pattern dividing it into four quarters
Red Spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Sturgis McKeever, Georgia Southern University,

Draw a black circle around the edge of your coffee filter, making it thicker on one side than the other

Fill in the half of the filter with the thicker part of your circle with blue, making sure to make it darker and more filled in near the circle and leaving more white space as you go up

Add purple to the edges of your blue half

Scribble some blue in the blank half of the filter, leaving lots of white space

Using a different blue marker, color over the top half of blue
Step 3:
Lay the filter on a paper towel and drop water on it slowly by placing the straw into a shallow dish of water, placing your finger over the top while it is submerged, and then letting go over the butterfly!
Watch the marker bleeds and maybe try to strategically place your drops as you go!

Step 4:
Make sure to let your filter fully dry!
You can color your clothes pin in while you wait for your filter to dry

Step 5:
Pinch the filter in the middle to create two wings

Step 6:
Clip the clothespin on the part where you pinched it

Step 7:
Curl the pipe cleaner into the shape of an antenna and clip it in the top of the antenna

There you have it! Feel free to play with your butterflies or hang them in windows and see how their wings glow when the sunlight hits them.